Gainesville is a 11 letter English word.
You can make 656 anagrams from letters in Gainesville (aeegiillnsv).
By taking the stage at Gainesville, Orange Lake, the natural home of the orange, is easily reached.
Resolved, That a copy of the same be mailed to his widow at Gainesville, Georgia.
Imam Musri, sitting in his office in Orlando, about 100 miles south of Gainesville, was convinced that Jones didn't have a choice.
She started her career in Gainesville, Fla., and before joining CNN she worked at KTVU-TV in Oakland, Calif.
Bronson appears to have a larger population than any of the other towns, except Gainesville.
Terry Jones has long breathed fire over his pews in Gainesville, Florida.
Mrs. Longstreet died at Gainesville, Georgia, December 29, 1889.
Jones brought his anti-Islamic views and eBay business with him to the small charismatic mother church in Gainesville.
I left Gainesville an' travelled to Summit, Mississippi where another frien' o' mine lived.
I worked out o' Gainesville on this boat for 'bout two year.