Definitions for Fuls

Fuls Ful

Spelling: [foo l]
IPA: /fʊl/

Fuls is a 4 letter English word.

You can make 19 anagrams from letters in Fuls (flsu).

Definitions for Fuls


  1. Fulani.

Origin of Fuls

Middle English, Old English -full, -ful, representing full, ful full1

Examples for Fuls

For wi Ful fewe inges and with Ful lytel ing nature halt hire appaied.

I never got on so well with Ful before, or saw him really sorry.'

Have you found the mine yet, father, and is it Ful to the brim of gold?

Room′er, a lodger; Room′Ful, as much or as many as a room will hold.

All prioresses were not 'Ful plesaunt and amiable of port', or stately in their manner.

Forget′able, Forget′table; Forget′Ful, apt to forget: inattentive.

Fright′able, Fright′enable, timid; Fright′Ful, terrible: shocking.

And Ful lytel inges ben o at widrawen e somme or e perfeccioun of blisFulnesse fro hem at ben most fortunat.

And Ful lytel inges ben o at widrawen e somme or e perfeccioun of 1088 blisFulnesse fro hem at ben most fortunat.

And ilke noble renoun shal be restreyned wi-inne e boundes of o maner folk but how many a man at was Ful noble in his tyme.

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