Definitions for flag

flag flag

Spelling: [flag]
IPA: /flæg/

Flag is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 8 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 10 points.

You can make 27 anagrams from letters in flag (afgl).

Definitions for flag


  1. a piece of cloth, varying in size, shape, color, and design, usually attached at one edge to a staff or cord, and used as the symbol of a nation, state, or organization, as a means of signaling, etc.; ensign; standard; banner; pennant.
  2. Ornithology. the tuft of long feathers on the legs of falcons and most hawks; the lengthened feathers on the crus or tibia.
  3. Hunting. the tail of a deer or of a setter dog.
  4. Journalism. the nameplate of a newspaper. masthead (def 1). the name of a newspaper as printed on the editorial page.
  5. a tab or tag attached to a page, file card, etc., to mark it for attention.
  6. Music. hook1 (def 12a).
  7. Movies, Television. a small gobo.
  8. Usually, flags. the ends of the bristles of a brush, especially a paintbrush, when split.
  9. Computers. a symbol, value, or other means of identifying data of interest, or of informing later parts of a program what conditions earlier parts have encountered.
  10. any of various plants with long, sword-shaped leaves, as the sweet flag.
  11. blue flag.
  12. the long, slender leaf of such a plant or of a cereal.
  13. flagstone (def 1).
  14. flags, flagstone (def 2).


  1. strike the flag, to relinquish command, as of a ship. to submit or surrender: Also, strike one's flag.

verb (used with object)

  1. to place a flag or flags over or on; decorate with flags.
  2. to signal or warn (a person, automobile, etc.) with or as if with a flag (sometimes followed by down):
  3. to communicate (information) by or as if by a flag.
  4. to decoy, as game, by waving a flag or the like to excite attention or curiosity.
  5. to mark (a page in a book, file card, etc.) for attention, as by attaching protruding tabs.
  6. (of a brush) to split the ends of the bristles.
  7. to pave with flagstones.

verb (used without object)

  1. to fall off in vigor, energy, activity, interest, etc.:
  2. to hang loosely or limply; droop.

Origin of flag

1475-85; perhaps blend of flap (noun) and fag1 (noun) in obsolete sense “flap”

Examples for flag

Beyond the huge American flag that hung over the street, the mile-long mass of cops ended.

If you will look outside, you will see a flag at the top of a pole.

The Medicine Bundle of the tribe is as sacred to them as our flag is to us.

When the game starts, there is only sand, a white ball, a flag indicating hole 1, and a “0” at the top of the screen.

I asked when the talk began to flag, as it soon does with Hughy.

On his Instagram account (which has since been taken down), Brinsley made one reference to burning an American flag.

There is only sand, a white ball, and a flag indicating the hole.

"My place is by the flag," cried Alleyne, vainly struggling to break from the other's hold.

M'Intosh and Roger Smith were then persuaded to go with a flag.

One of the honor guard approached with slow, measured steps and presented the flag to a uniformed captain.

Word Value for flag


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