Fiona is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 53 anagrams from letters in Fiona (afino).
Today I realise that too, for one thing, Fiona has come back from afar off.
From writer Gail Simone to artist Fiona Staples, there are incredible women already working in the industry.
Yes, you may remember that in the book, Jonas does feel “stirrings” for his classmate Fiona.
In the first place, it is asserted that Miss Fiona Macleod does not exist.
At last month's inquest, Coroner Fiona Wilcox concluded Mrs Saldanha had taken her own life.
The film, however, makes Asher a pilot and Fiona a caretaker to the newborns—seemingly innocuous decisions that become meaningful.
“I could take them on the Fiona and put them ashore,” his companion persisted.
Fiona McFarlane puts a distinctive and subtle twist on this trend, with results that are no less gripping.
Angus stopped with me, and told me where the Fiona had gone.
Then he caught sight of Fiona and the gleam of the red bracelet.