Faribault is a 9 letter English word.
You can make 362 anagrams from letters in Faribault (aabfilrtu).
In 1855 he moved to Faribault, this State, and at once came into prominence.
We came to Faribault in 1852 and kept the first hotel there.
I begged to stay there, but Mr. Mott insisted on going to Faribault as they had planned.
She has been taken away by her own mother to Faribault, among the white people.
He consulted no one, but set out for the distant village of Faribault.
The Faribault House, covered with siding, is still standing.
It was in the spring of 1820 that Faribault performed this service.
Some of our Indians got into a fuss with a band from Faribault and one of our Indians killed one of them.
Exponent of Marxian socialism and industrial unionism, weekly, Faribault, Minn.
I came to Faribault in 1854 and boarded at the hotel kept by the Nuttings the first winter.