You can make 293 anagrams from letters in evolution (eilnootuv).
1615-25; Latin ēvolūtiōn- (stem of ēvolūtiō) an unrolling, opening, equivalent to ēvolūt(us) (see evolute) + -iōn- -ion
That was the second stage in the evolution of bread in this country.
“Reality TV has had an evolution,” Valerie says, addressing the camera proudly.
Anton, you may describe the stages in the evolution of the super-man.
The traditional wisdom is “action is character,” and their evolution is one, with a slight edge to character.
No other city in course of evolution has ever furnished such a spectacle.
Darwin was a British Scientist who developed the theory of evolution and natural selection.
The moment where they enter the spirit portal symbolizes their evolution from being friends to being a couple.
And nothing they do can prevent the evolution from continuing.
And this brings me to an important factor in the case: the factor of evolution.
The evolution of style is oft studied but rarely understood in any comprehensive manner.