Definitions for ergosterol

ergosterol er·gos·ter·ol

Spelling: [ur-gos-tuh-rohl, -rawl]
IPA: /ɜrˈgɒs təˌroʊl, -rɔl/

Ergosterol is a 10 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 13 points.

You can make 384 anagrams from letters in ergosterol (eegloorrst).

Definitions for ergosterol


  1. a colorless, crystalline, water-insoluble sterol, C 28 H 43 OH, that occurs in ergot and yeast and that, when irradiated with ultraviolet light, is converted to vitamin D.

Origin of ergosterol

First recorded in 1885-90; ergo-2 + sterol

Word Value for ergosterol


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