You can make 22 anagrams from letters in EDES (dees).
Modern Greek E(thnikós) D(ēmokratikós) E(llēnikós) S(yndésmos)
EDES and Gill never saw Africa; the patriotic lawyers and printers made no reluctant voyage to England.
The part of the building on the corner was torn down several years ago and the EDES Home built.
Mrs. EDES was past her first youth, but she was undeniably charming.
EDES continued to print the Boston Gazette long after the Revolution.
Do you know where the ship-yard that is owned by a man named EDES may be located?
If they leave letters at EDES and Gill's, they will soon be sent to me.
There was one feature of Mrs. EDES' costume which Mrs. Slade resented.
EDES remarked that the Tories present affected to grin, but it was horribly, with a ghastly smile.
Among them were men like Avery, Crafts, and EDES the printer.
At the opening of the war, Mr. EDES possessed a handsome property, which was wholly lost by the depreciation of the currency.