Definitions for Duck
Spelling: [duhk]
IPA: /dʌk/
Duck is a 4 letter English word.
It's valid Scrabble word worth 11 points.
It's valid Words with friends word worth 13 points.
You can make 23 anagrams from letters in Duck (cdku).
Definitions for Duck
any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body.
the female of this bird, as distinguished from the male.
Compare drake1 .
the flesh of this bird, eaten as food.
Informal. person; individual:
a playing marble, especially one that is not used as a shooter.
ducks, (used with a singular verb) British Slang. ducky2 .
Cricket Slang.
failure of a batsman to score:
a player's score of zero:
Compare goose egg.
an act or instance of ducking.
a heavy, plain-weave cotton fabric for tents, clothing, bags, etc., in any of various weights and widths.
ducks, (used with a plural verb) slacks or trousers made of this material.
water off a duck's back, something that has little or no effect:
verb (used with object)
to lower suddenly:
to avoid or evade (a blow, unpleasant task, etc.); dodge:
to plunge or dip in water momentarily.
Cards Informal. to play a card lower than (the card led).
verb (used without object)
to stoop or bend suddenly; bob.
to avoid or evade a blow, unpleasant task, etc.; dodge.
to plunge the whole body or the head momentarily under water.
Cards Informal. to play a card lower than the card led.
Origin of Duck
before 1000; Middle English duk, doke, Old English dūce diver, duck; akin to duck2
Examples for Duck
Ordinarily no duck could have been more indifferent to a rain storm than herself.
He was just about to duck the little one a second time when Will arrived.
You can hide your extreme views and duck from having to answer questions about them.
In the meantime, have ready two sets of goose-giblets, or four of duck.
The user fee on duck stamps goes exclusively to funding federal acquisition of wetlands as wildlife habitat.
So many people tell me the appeal of duck Dynasty is that it reflects what life is like in “real America.”
Because duck Dynasty receives monster TV ratings and Robertson paid by a company (A&E) while making these public statements.
So what if people with some spare cash order eggs Benedict made with jamón Ibérico and duck eggs?
This was called a “cucking-stool,” and was used to duck scolds or brawlers.
Place a layer of them in a stew-pan; then put in the duck and cover it with ham.