Definitions for drag

drag drag

Spelling: [drag]
IPA: /dræg/

Drag is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 6 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 7 points.

You can make 36 anagrams from letters in drag (adgr).

Definitions for drag


  1. Nautical. a designed increase of draft toward the stern of a vessel. resistance to the movement of a hull through the water. any of a number of weights dragged cumulatively by a vessel sliding down ways to check its speed. any object dragged in the water, as a sea anchor. any device for dragging the bottom of a body of water to recover or detect objects.
  2. Agriculture. a heavy wooden or steel frame drawn over the ground to smooth it.
  3. Slang. someone or something tedious; a bore:
  4. a stout sledge or sled.
  5. Aeronautics. the aerodynamic force exerted on an airfoil, airplane, or other aerodynamic body that tends to reduce its forward motion.
  6. a four-horse sporting and passenger coach with seats inside and on top.
  7. a metal shoe to receive a wheel of heavy wagons and serve as a brake on steep grades.
  8. something that retards progress.
  9. an act of dragging.
  10. slow, laborious movement or procedure; retardation.
  11. a puff or inhalation on a cigarette, pipe, etc.
  12. Hunting. the scent left by a fox or other animal. something, as aniseed, dragged over the ground to leave an artificial scent. Also called drag hunt. a hunt, especially a fox hunt, in which the hounds follow an artificial scent.
  13. Angling. a brake on a fishing reel. the sideways pull on a fishline, as caused by a crosscurrent.
  14. clothing characteristically associated with one sex when worn by a person of the opposite sex:
  15. clothing characteristic of a particular occupation or milieu:
  16. Also called comb. Masonry. a steel plate with a serrated edge for dressing a stone surface.
  17. Metallurgy. the lower part of a flask. Compare cope2 (def 5).
  18. Slang. influence:
  19. Slang. a girl or woman that one is escorting; date.
  20. Informal. a street or thoroughfare, especially a main street of a town or city.
  21. a drag race.
  22. Eastern New England. a sledge, as for carrying stones from a field.


  1. drag one's feet / heels, to act with reluctance; delay:


  1. marked by or involving the wearing of clothing characteristically associated with the opposite sex; transvestite.

verb (used with object)

  1. to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along; haul; trail:
  2. to search with a drag, grapnel, or the like:
  3. to level and smooth (land) with a drag or harrow.
  4. to introduce; inject; insert:
  5. to protract (something) or pass (time) tediously or painfully (often followed by out or on):
  6. to pull (a graphical image) from one place to another on a computer display screen, especially by using a mouse.

verb (used without object)

  1. to be drawn or hauled along.
  2. to trail on the ground.
  3. to move heavily or with effort.
  4. to proceed or pass with tedious slowness:
  5. to feel listless or apathetic; move listlessly or apathetically (often followed by around):
  6. to lag behind.
  7. to use a drag or grapnel; dredge.
  8. to take part in a drag race.
  9. to take a puff:

Origin of drag

1350-1400; 1920-25 for def 18; Middle English; both noun and v. probably Middle Low German dragge grapnel, draggen to dredge, derivative of drag- Examples for drag

The media will be full of stories in the next few days about whether Obama will drag Hillary Clinton down for 2016.

We can only crawl along, having to walk and lead the horses, or at least drag them.

But he would dash out after her, seize her round the body, drag her back into the shop.

The same group sent out literature which featured a photoshopped image of DeMaio next to a man dressed in drag.

I caught him by the collar, too; and had to drag him in very much in the way I had done with Lewis.

Nothing would do, but to go up into his lair, and drag him out.

What it did do was drag him down, as though my shot had dropped him into the dunk tank at the state fair.

It is a pity to drag these poor chaps about from one ambulance to another.

Is this your first time dressing in drag, or have you ever had an Ed Wood moment?

Tal Kallai is a gay man who does drag, playing a coke-dealing and fast-talking transgender woman in ‘Marzipan Flowers.’

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