You can make 230 anagrams from letters in domicile (cdeiilmo).
1470-80; Middle French Latin domicilium, perhaps equivalent to *domicol(a) (domi-, combining form of domus house + -cola dweller; see colonus) + -ium Examples for domicile
Lavalle, descend and make reparation for outrage of domicile.
"Your future domicile," said Vagualame, showing the van to the bewildered Bobinette.
The cotton mill, as we have seen, early chose New England as its domicile.
They came home google-eyed and had to feel their way into the domicile.
People went in and came out, just as if it had been the domicile of no ghost.
You'll go sticking your nose around that domicile some time and get it knocked off!
I do not know, but as soon as I can discover her name and domicile, I propose to propose.
We will not trouble about his domicile, the Place will tell us that!
"But my father had no Scotch domicile," said Hugh, with apparent composure.
Altogether, the Member is to be congratulated on his domicile.