Doa is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 16 anagrams from letters in DOA (ado).
Leave us aloan, then, lass, DOAn't plague t' life oot of a man.
Gaspar Ruiz saw the dark eyes of DOA Erminia look down at him.
Good news is that $20 million DOA catfish office has comfy chairs and recent issues of catfish newsletters and magazines.
At this point it goes without saying that anything Obama proposes is DOA.
This was always a bit of congressional kabuki theater, because Plan B was DOA in the Senate.
I DOAn't keer who says it,' he exclaimed, now really excited.
But DOAn't 'ee think, Ikey, 'tes time for 'ee to be puttin' in th' baans?
As for my dear godfather and DOA Mercedes—they treated me as a pet child.
I'm going to guess it was doctor shows on TV that introduced the acronym "DOA" into general American speech.
My take is that any sort of meaningful carbon legislation was DOA, probably even without the Great Recession.