Definitions for disarming

disarming dis·arm·ing

Spelling: [dis-ahr-ming]
IPA: /dɪsˈɑr mɪŋ/

Disarming is a 9 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 13 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 16 points.

You can make 447 anagrams from letters in disarming (adgiimnrs).

Definitions for disarming


  1. removing or capable of removing hostility, suspicion, etc., as by being charming:

verb (used with object)

  1. to deprive of a weapon or weapons.
  2. to remove the fuze or other actuating device from:
  3. to deprive of the means of attack or defense:
  4. to divest or relieve of hostility, suspicion, etc.; win the affection or approval of; charm:

verb (used without object)

  1. to lay down one's weapons.
  2. (of a country) to reduce or limit the size, equipment, armament, etc., of the army, navy, or air force.

Origin of disarming

First recorded in 1540-50; disarm + -ing2

Examples for disarming

Moscow is conveniently two-faced when it comes to disarming pro-Russian separatists.

In a few words, Letterman brought the Beatles and what they represented into disarming focus.

The gun control lobby engages in emotional brainwashing to further its attempts at disarming the American people.

A laugh he decided was the most disarming of human manifestations.

But Tresler listened to her greeting with a disarming smile on his face.

"To serve you if possible, my godfather," was the disarming answer.

But he said the process of disarming a chemical warhead or artillery shell is more complicated.

He succeeded, however, in retaining them, and in disarming their fears.

He was renowned for his wit, disarming his critics with unfailing humor.

He hastened after Francesco, and while the knight was disarming he came to voice his suspicions.

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