Definitions for Danae

Danae Dan·a·ë

Spelling: [dan-uh-ee]
IPA: /ˈdæn əˌi/

Danae is a 5 letter English word.

You can make 50 anagrams from letters in Danae (aaden).

Definitions for Danae


  1. a daughter of the king of Argos and mother, by Zeus disguised as a shower of gold, of Perseus.

Examples for Danae

That is to say that the Jupiter of danae changed himself into a shower of gold for her.

Se-ri´phus.Island where danae and Perseus were cast ashore, 242, 249.

Perseus was the son of danae, who was the daughter of a king.

With horror, he saw that his danae was an exact portrait of Odette.

You may imagine what sort of a life danae led, shut up in the brazen tower.

But he remembered other circumstances connected with danae's history, and was silent.

danae, by Correggio (notice the cupids sharpening an arrow); 48.

He found Claude there alone, gazing mournfully at his danae that he could not finish.

When they were alone he said to danae: 'Who is the father of this child?'

But I do know that Rita herself was not a danae, never, not at any time of her life.

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