Dakota is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 60 anagrams from letters in Dakota (aadkot).
The great Dakota nation is ready to receive the Christian religion.
Heitkamp was a director at Dakota Gasification for more than a decade.
The Dakota mother loves her baby as well as the white woman does hers.
They come from all parts of Dakota and the Santee Reservation.
Veterans like Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer are campaigning as well.
You and your sister, Dakota, just seem naturally gifted when it comes to acting.
And I think that Dakota plays her in a graceful, non-Lolita-ish way.
Hiawatha went all the way to Dakota to see the famous arrow maker.
The Dakota, a co-op residence on the Upper West Side, is historically known for its ghostly figures.
To the west, on the great prairies, the Dakota, or Sioux Indians lived and hunted.