You can make 302 anagrams from letters in Dagestan (aadegnst).
Dagestan, the biggest and most populated republic of the North Caucasus, is a place where insurgents often strike.
The Russians appear to have been satisfied when Plotnikov agreed to leave Dagestan.
The Vilayat Dagestan issued a quasi-denial in the wake of the attack.
But in 1991, as the former Soviet Union broke apart, Chechnya and Dagestan declared their independence from Moscow.
Tamerlan also had begun speaking about kafirs when he came to visit his family in Dagestan in January 2012.
But Plotnikov had no sooner reached Moscow than he headed back to Dagestan.
It was Peter the Great who, in 1722, invaded Dagestan and seized the greater part of this territory.
Last year militants killed 62 security officials in Dagestan; this year another 34 officials have died in various attacks.
Both men had emigrated from Russia in their teens, Tamerlan from Dagestan to Cambridge, Plotnikov from Siberia to Toronto.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the elder brother, is known to have traveled to Dagestan for several months in 2012.