Cyrenaic is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 220 anagrams from letters in Cyrenaic (acceinry).
1580-90; Latin Cȳrēnaicus Greek Kȳrēnnaïkós, equivalent to Kȳrēna- (combining form of Kȳrḗnē Cyrene) + -ikos -ic
His work represents one great aspect of Socratic philosophy, and should be compared with the Cyrenaic and Megarian doctrines.
With the Megaric school is usually classified the Cyrenaic founded by Aristippus.
Plato narrowly escaped the fate of slavery, but was ransomed by Anniceris, the Cyrenaic.
With the Cyrenaic school, pleasure was the great end and object of life.
Aristippus, founder of the Cyrenaic school, a friend and younger contemporary of Socrates.
It is of the utmost importance that this development of Cyrenaic hedonism should be fully realized.
Euhemerus was a firm upholder of the Cyrenaic philosophy, and by many ancient writers he was regarded as an atheist.
Plato had studied mathematics there under Theodorus, and it had a school of its own which gave its name to the Cyrenaic sect.
The third called is the Cyrenaic, who appears clad in purple and crowned with a wreath.