Definitions for Cupertino

Cupertino Cu·per·ti·no

Spelling: [koo-per-tee-noh, kyoo-]
IPA: /ˌku pərˈti noʊ, ˌkyu-/

Cupertino is a 9 letter English word.

You can make 606 anagrams from letters in Cupertino (ceinoprtu).

Definitions for Cupertino


  1. a town in W California.

Examples for Cupertino

Our Cupertino overlords have confidence in their own development team—and rightly so given the results!

The Cupertino, Calif., company has also cut orders for components other than screens, according to one of the people.

But at one point in Cupertino, all but five pawns were on a card or in a boxcar.

This is music to the ears of geeks all across the country—except, perhaps, in Cupertino, California, where Apple is headquartered.

Now Cupertino is going to have to make a lot more of what it uses too.

When Steve Jobs passed away, shrines were built for him around the world, from Cupertino to Beijing.

But it now appears that these wizards from Cupertino have a few skeletons in the closet in China.

That said, there are still some exciting (sort of) new things coming out of Cupertino.

In November, I watched three college students play Train at the Euphrat Museum of Art in Cupertino, California.

Apple has long been known for luring the best talent the tech world can offer to its sumptuous Cupertino headquarters.

Word Value for Cupertino


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