Definitions for CPI

CPI cpi

Cpi is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 12 anagrams from letters in CPI (cip).

Examples for CPI

In more general terms, though, the chained cpi gambit is not playing out so well for Obama, either.

cpi is a sort of auxiliary verb; incepi is emphatic; hence cpi has an infinitive, incipere a substantive, for its object.

Chained cpi would initially yield about $2 less a month in the average Social Security check.

Gathering information about local goods for sale in order to develop a targeted Consumer Price Index (cpi).

So it wasn't that shocking that Walden criticized Obama's chained cpi Social Security proposal as being anti-old people.

Move to “chained cpi” for cost-of-living increases in Social Security payments?

Obama could say "I'll go with you on chained cpi, but let's raise the FICA tax cap."

Chained cpi is a more conservative way of measuring inflation and, in effect, an assault on already-retired seniors.

Which is more substantive: chained cpi, or criminal justice reform?

cpi reporters David Heath and Ben Wieder contributed to this report.

Word Value for CPI


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