Cowper is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 91 anagrams from letters in Cowper (ceoprw).
Neither Gray, nor Cowper, nor Byron commanded so wide a circle.
Among the best known versions are those of Pope, Chapman, and Cowper.
Dr. Waddell prefers him to Cowper and Byron as a letter-writer.
I could not do without a syringa, for the sake of Cowper's line.
Cowper ran in and out among the plunder, like a pointer in a turnip field.
Cowper, I remembered, could testify to my having been seized by Tomas Castro.
Cowper says every one falls "just in the niche he was ordained to fill."
It is true, if we except the heart-touching poems of Cowper, the Muses were silent.
Cowper had let that wife of his coerce him into swearing my life away.
Preface prepared by Mr. Cowper for a Second Edition, in edition of 1802.