Corot is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 47 anagrams from letters in Corot (coort).
Rubens, Giorgione, Klee and Corot have painted it; Jean Cocteau has turned it into film.
By Corot there is but one painting at Chantilly, but it is one of his finest works.
Did—did this Corot feller get as much for every job as he did for this?
The scenery is soft and silvery in tone, like the landscape of a Corot.
As a landscape painter he does not belong to the family of Corot and Dupr.
After an early morning in the fields, Corot withdraws to his house to rest.
Adjusting his glasses, he inspected the Corot in silence for a few minutes.
Corot was a happy man, and no one more deserved to be happy.
This broad, beautiful lane is like a Corot, and recalls his nymphs.
Now this garden with those large trees is just like a Corot.