Coronado is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 165 anagrams from letters in Coronado (acdnooor).
There is no other Indian pueblo answering to its description and geographical location as given by the chroniclers of Coronado.
At one point Mullaney returned to Coronado and served as a BUD/S instructor training junior SEALs.
Frank told The Daily Beast that Shacknai was not in Coronado at the time of her death but would not say where he was.
The goal was to get your IBS through the surf and onto a forty-foot-high rock formation near Coronado Cays.
I arrived at BUD/S in Coronado (about five miles south of San Diego) on March 31, 1982, fired up and ready for action.
Why had Coronado never gone back to Spain, to his riches and his castles and his king?
Two hours later, Rebecca Zahau hanged herself from a balcony in an interior courtyard of the Coronado home.
We know better to-day the value of Coronado's great discoveries.
But the information to be derived from Coronado's march, on the ethnography of New Mexico, is not confined to the above.
They gave Coronado a most glowing account of all they had discovered.