Coniums is a 7 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 10 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 14 points.
You can make 178 anagrams from letters in coniums (cimnosu).
1860-65; New Latin; Late Latin Greek kṓneion
The seeds, leaves, and root of the conium maculatum are all poisonous.
In pharmacy, the fresh and dried leaf of the wild herb conium maculatum, or spotted hemlock.
conium (Hemlock) also owes its properties to the alkaloid Conia.
In this family is found the poison hemlock (conium) used by the ancient Greeks for the elimination of politicians.
The results were entirely negative: some of the published cases he refers to conium, and others to aconite.
Compounded of conium and Selinum, from its resemblance to these genera.
conium owes its active properties to a volatile liquid alkaloid, Coniine, united with a crystalline alkaloid, Conhydrine.
conium is certainly anodyne; and produces often a sedative action on the heart.
Bromide of potassium and hydrate of chloral in drachm doses should be given in connection with conium.