You can make 274 anagrams from letters in commandant (aacdmmnnot).
1680-90; French, noun use of present participle of commander to command; see -ant
“I am a big fan of General Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, now at the two-and-a-half-year mark in that job,” he says.
This girl is at present the wife of commandant Monfils Chesneau.
We believe that we may be close to such an impasse, and we want to present the commandant with options.
If I am commandant of this force I hand over the captaincy of this company to you.
He also wrote to the commandant Coast Guards, identifying obvious vulnerabilities.
Ferguson went to the infirmary and Grayson went to the commandant's office.
He is a graduate of the Kakul academy and was also its commandant at one point in his career.
But supposing, now, I was to take it into my head to inform the commandant?
I am recommending you to the care of the station-master, the commandant X.
Not so fast on women in combat, says the commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Amos.