Clinton is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 120 anagrams from letters in Clinton (cilnnot).
The next opened was the Clinton mines in the Tuscarawas Valley.
Recall how Clinton returned to Arkansas from the campaign trail to preside over the execution of a mentally disabled man.
Clinton for a time commanded in America, but he was recalled.
Clinton is further back in history, and there is a perception that back then everything was rainbows and sunshine and gumdrops.
(It's worth noting that Dean himself has already endorsed Clinton).
They mention that a former cia agent and someone who used to work for Hilary [sic] Clinton looked at the script.
The vine characters are not, however, as good as those of Clinton.
And compare, as noted up top, to Secretary Clinton, who spent years quietly pushing a modernized Cuba policy.
In Berckmans we have the fruit of Delaware on the vine of Clinton.
Clinton had been authorized to burn all cities that refused submission.