Claude is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 127 anagrams from letters in Claude (acdelu).
Claude and the keeper Lucas were on the look out to see that the band did not come back.
“We remain very opposed to the sexualisation of children and of childhood,” says Kidscape red Claude Knight.
The anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss saw the Amazon rainforest, as he saw most things, as a complex structure.
As we were getting ready to repair to his capacious table, we were joined by Claude Lanzmann, the maker of the film Shoah.
John had not greatly liked the look of Mr. Claude Jannissary.
The first commission member to be forced out was Claude Peterson, a Vietnam vet who had signed the petition.
My name is Claude Bennett, and I'm happy to make your acquaintance.
I summoned my faithful Claude, and learned that we were to stop and wait for help.
But you, Teresa, were born to see life through the Claude glass.
Some of these critics, notably Truffaut, Claude Chabrol, and Eric Rohmer, later became filmmakers of international repute.