You can make 165 anagrams from letters in Clarice (acceilr).
Clarice wanted me to ask you to-day if you had any idea how much you are worth.
On arriving at the house he asked the porter's wife how Clarice was.
At the end of an hour Buvat returned to ask news of Clarice.
Clarice would never have shared the awful screaming of the lambs to Dr. Lecter.
Thou hast been too like a son to me, too like a brother to my poor Clarice.
Clarice was evidently going on with her own line of thought.
At this moment Clarice lowered her eyes from the heavens toward the earth.
"Say, I saw Clarice last night," he said in a confidential undertone.
He wasn't returning from FBI target practice with Clarice Starling.
I read that Michelle Pfeiffer turned down Clarice Starling in Silence, is that true?