Definitions for Chinese

Chinese Chi·nese

Spelling: [chahy-neez, -nees]
IPA: /tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis/

Chinese is a 7 letter English word.

You can make 120 anagrams from letters in Chinese (ceehins).

Definitions for Chinese


  1. the standard language of China, based on the speech of Beijing; Mandarin.
  2. a group of languages of the Sino-Tibetan family, including standard Chinese and most of the other languages of China. Abbreviation: Chin., Chin.
  3. any of the Chinese languages, which vary among themselves to the point of mutual unintelligibility.
  4. a native or descendant of a native of China.


  1. of or relating to China, its inhabitants, or one of their languages.
  2. noting or pertaining to the partly logographic, partly phonetic script used for the writing of Chinese, Japanese, and other languages, consisting of thousands of brushstroke characters written in vertical columns from right to left.

Origin of Chinese

First recorded in 1570-80; Chin(a) + -ese

Examples for Chinese

His language has the richness and sententious fullness of the Chinese.

The family was taking some private moments for a closing of the coffin in keeping with Chinese ritual.

And next a Chinese mandarin, who nods his head at Annie and myself.

We ought to seek Chinese cooperation in a response to this North Korean act of aggression.

She can do anything—sing, talk modern Greek and Chinese—Cadge is wonderful.

We have exacted from him what is at variance with the fixed Chinese policy of ages.

The Chinese visitors were received at the door by Mr. Henry Gladstone.

Some experts suggest that other parties, perhaps Iranian or Chinese, may have played some role.

Monitoring Chinese social-media platforms has paid off for the Chinese government.

HONG KONG—Last year, I met a Chinese graduate student on a tour of the northeastern United States before his first day at Harvard.

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