Chimborazo is a 10 letter English word.
You can make 432 anagrams from letters in Chimborazo (abchimoorz).
Humboldt counted one degree of declination for every 550 feet on Chimborazo.
This is Chimborazo,—yet not the whole of it,—you see but a third of the great giant.
Draba aretoides has been found on Chimborazo at 16,000 feet.
Chimborazo possesses less of the conical outline than Cotopaxi.
The highest peak of the Andes (Chimborazo) is more than 21,000 feet above the sea.
So Chimborazo was sent for, and came, hanging his head as usual.
Why, the Pyramids must be as anthills to Chimborazo in comparison to it!
Not a whisper of such names as Chimborazo and Cotopaxi had reached Europe.
Chimborazo was long supposed to be the most lofty mountain on the globe.
On Chimborazo we never roped one another to cross crevasses.