Chilcat is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 135 anagrams from letters in Chilcat (acchilt).
An Americanism dating back to 1835-45
That they were Chilcat traders and plunderers he was well aware.
What is Klitonda's daughter doing over there in the Chilcat camp?
And did she go to become the wife of the Chilcat chief's son?
There was not a Chilcat but had heard of her remarkable beauty, and longed to possess her as his own.
Say to them that they are many, and the Chilcat warriors who stand here are only two.
"Let the chief of the Ayana put aside his axe," the Chilcat responded.
He thought of what he had heard that morning about the Chilcat spies.
No one will harm her, for the Chilcat warriors will protect her with their lives.
They wish to crawl like dogs at the feet of the Chilcat wolves.
He understood why the son of the Chilcat chief should seek to obtain this maiden.