Ceylonese is a 9 letter English word.
You can make 238 anagrams from letters in Ceylonese (ceeelnosy).
First recorded in 1790-1800; Ceylon + -ese
Entire packs of Ceylonese species will, at the slightest alarm, become invisible by crouching on a palm-tree.
For the Ceylonese legend is this, that once in every hundred years an angel visits this granite pillar.
The Laplander clothes his body in warm furs, the Ceylonese in a scanty vesture of thin cotton.
But strange indeed, where every thing seems strange, is the arrangement of this Ceylonese territory and people.
Ceratophora and Lyriocephalus scutatus, the latter remarkable for its chameleon-like appearance, are Ceylonese.