Cassiope is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 312 anagrams from letters in Cassiope (aceiopss).
New Latin, Latin Greek Kassiópē Cassiopeia
cassiope boasted that she and her daughter were more beautiful than Juno and the Nereids.
cassiope was a port of Epirus, not far from Nicopolis, where Epictetus taught.
I have thinks that other grunt was to tell me not to have forgets to take a drink of cold water to cassiope.
Of these cassiope is at once the commonest and the most beautiful and influential.
On my high mountain walks I keep muttering, "cassiope, cassiope."
Of these, cassiope tetragona is far the most influential and beautiful.
Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia, and of cassiope.
cassiope seems the highest name of all the small mountain-heath people, and as if conscious of her worth, keeps out of my way.
For all practical purposes, however, words like cassiope are quadrisyllables.
He landed at cassiope, a town in the northern part of the island of Corcyra.