Canopic is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 124 anagrams from letters in Canopic (accinop).
1875-80; Latin Canōpicus of Canopus; see -ic
A woman, of whom she enquired, directed her down a wider street that would take her into the Canopic Way.
You notice that the Ushabti figures and the heads that form the stoppers of the Canopic jars are quite finely modelled.
In the great house in the Canopic street it was late ere all was quiet for the night.
She followed the long road as far as the Canopic Gate, and cast herself upon the ground between two aloes.
In the greatest excitement he went out of the house, through the great gate, into the Canopic way, and walked on.
The Canopic jars and outer coffins belonging to it were still unpacked in the freight cases.
In the Canopic way Dada was fairly beside herself with delight.
And a few minutes later the old man was making his way to the house in the Canopic street.
The distance along the coast from the Canopic mouth to Pelusium was about a hundred miles.
The westernmost mouth of the Nile, on the other hand, was called the Canopic mouth.