Definitions for candescent

candescent can·des·cent

Spelling: [kan-des-uh nt]
IPA: /kænˈdɛs ənt/

Candescent is a 10 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 19 points.

You can make 395 anagrams from letters in candescent (accdeennst).

Definitions for candescent


  1. glowing; incandescent.

Origin of candescent

1815-25; Latin candēscent- (stem of candescēns, present participle of candēscere to become bright), equivalent to cand- bright (see candid) + -ēscent- Examples for candescent

He became conscious of a candescent spot on the far side of the hearth, where the light fell on old Heythorp's thick white hair.

Then he saw, pale and candescent in the blackness, three or four great lilies, the authors of that perfume.

Word Value for candescent


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