Cadmus is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 126 anagrams from letters in Cadmus (acdmsu).
Cadmus, as the oldest son, was to be the director of the expedition.
Misfortunes are like the creations of Cadmus,—they destroy one another!
Cadmus and his brothers were much affected at their mother's death.
And it was Cadmus, likewise, who afterwards sowed the dragon's teeth.
Then Ino, the daughter of Cadmus, saw him and took pity on him.
Telephassa and Cadmus were now pursuing their weary way, with no companion but each other.
Cadmus knew immediately that this was the spot where his city was to stand.
These five then joined themselves to Cadmus, and helped him to build his city.
But how, Cebes, and by what arguments, shall we appease this Cadmus?
You speak of Cadmus and Harmonia; but is not your case the opposite of theirs?