Definitions for Buri

Buri Bu·ri

Spelling: [boo r-ee]
IPA: /ˈbʊər i/

Buri is a 4 letter English word.

You can make 22 anagrams from letters in Buri (biru).

Definitions for Buri


  1. the first of the gods, revealed when the cow Audhumla licked away the salty ice that covered him.

Origin of Buri

Old Norse, probably derivative of bera to bear1

Examples for Buri

They've Buri'd me, tho' living,And worn their sable weeds, And down to blank oblivionMy memory recedes!

The Buri is the largest palm that grows in the Philippines, attaining a height of 20 meters.

The process of whitening Romblon Buri straw has already been described.

In each case the unit of material is one stalk of Buri for each color.

That of Buriàs abounds in the palm called Buri, of whose fruit and even of whose trunk, the Indians make an extraordinary bread.

It is customary to roll the Buri into coils in order to make it more convenient to store.

There were upwards of 10,000 Dervishes, extending from Kalakala to Buri.

There are many trees of the yonote,25 and of the Buri, from which sago is made, which is used for bread in some places.

These are the Romblon Buri mats, and they are produced throughout the islands of Romblon.

Buri straw is prepared from the young, unopened leaf of the Buri palm.

Word Value for Buri


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