Definitions for broch

broch broch

Spelling: [Scot. brokh, bruhkh]
IPA: /Scot. brɒx, brʌx/

Broch is a 5 letter English word.

You can make 47 anagrams from letters in broch (bchor).

Definitions for broch


  1. a circular stone tower built around the beginning of the Christian era, having an inner and an outer wall, found on the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, the Hebrides, and the mainland of Scotland.

Origin of broch

1645-55; Scots, metathetic variant of burgh

Examples for broch

"I can leave it at broch anyway," he said to Signy as he stowed the bag aboard.

It occurs within the pentacle symbol engraved on a pebble from the broch of Burrian, Orkney.

This urban agglomeration, Dr. broch shows, has been 'due principally to causes which have operated in the rest of Europe.

The hunter shouted out in his dream if there was any one in the broch, to let him in for the Holy One's sake.

The rest of that day was spent at broch—delightfully spent, we know, since the Yarl was host.

Probably the many hut circles which surround this broch are of later date and were formed from its ruins.

On an islet in the lake stands a ruined “broch” or round tower.

One had bundled herself into a broch shawl and "run over" hatless.

So far the “broch,” or hill fort, was not unlike other hill forts and brochs, of which there are hundreds in Scotland.

The term "broch" has hitherto been used in a general sense in these pages.

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