You can make 207 anagrams from letters in bon-vivant (-abinnotvv).
From French
Also Robbie was making a reputation as a clubman and bon vivant.
Since arriving in Washington in 1990, Boehner has played up his bon vivant image.
I received them, however, as a bon vivant does the advice of his physician.
That is, until he decides to adopt a bon vivant alter ego—the ascot-wearing, chain-smoking Francois.
This, to one who was decidedly a bon vivant, was a great annoyance.
"She was feather-brained," continued the bon vivant, with a blas shrug.
In short, the cardinal was a man of wit, and what is called a bon vivant.
They offer complex visions of a young artist dead before his time, of a persecuted gay poet, and of a bon vivant felled by stroke.
Besides this, the padre was a bon vivant and devoted lover of fish.
I need not mention that he was a bon vivant, a most joyous, yet a most discreet one.