Birthmarks is a 10 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 21 points.
You can make 540 anagrams from letters in birthmarks (abhikmrrst).
First recorded in 1570-80; birth + mark1
Did he have a birthmark on his chin, this man you bought the book from?
It seems as if the travail and yearning of his mother had passed upon him as a birthmark.
Close enough to see the tiny scar on his eyelid that looks like a birthmark.
Or thus: 'Haven't you a birthmark on the back of your neck?' '
But the birthmark on its wrist was branded on my brain so that I could not forget it.
"Son of an electric eel," she said when Tel reached her, her birthmark scarlet.
A supreme act is recognizable at sight: it bears the birthmark of immortality.
It must be a birthmark, or maybe he was too anxious to get to town to-night.
It was the face of the man she had seen in the shop, he of the birthmark on his chin.
They are outside of the individual experience as much as a birthmark.