Benbrook is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 125 anagrams from letters in Benbrook (bbeknoor).
How long, or over what period of time did your family reside in Benbrook, Tex.
The first house in Benbrook was on Granbury Road, that is your recollection?
Two pictures there, Lee and Lee's dog and this is taken at the house in Benbrook, that house.
Right after this is when she purchased the house in Benbrook, Tex., the little house.
Was the home that had been purchased in Benbrook, Tex., sold?
You seem to have a rather vivid recollection of the Benbrook, Tex., home.
The house you are now mentioning in Benbrook was the summer of 1948 is different from the first one?
Do you recall the street you were on in Benbrook; this first house?
Had he attended a day school or a nursery school in Benbrook, Tex., at anytime to your knowledge over this period of years?
We had never been to Fort Worth before that except in Benbrook.