Belgrano is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 440 anagrams from letters in Belgrano (abeglnor).
Belgrano started to his feet, his face glowing with animation.
"An angel has more to do with it than you think," said Belgrano musingly.
Belgrano, then in turn advanced and made once again for Salta.
"We must not only prepare, but much we must do also," said Belgrano.
A little later Belgrano became possessed of the somewhat extraordinary idea of crowning a member of the family of the Incas.
"What Belgrano says is worth no attention," said Don Isidro.
"I am going to rejoin the Viceroy if I can find him," said Belgrano.
These negotiations and others which succeeded them broke down and Belgrano returned to Buenos Aires.
A month later Belgrano took over the command of the army in Peru in order to make a stand against the threatened invasion.
"That was absurd; that was nothing but a joke," said Belgrano.