Definitions for bastinado

bastinado bas·ti·na·do

Spelling: [bas-tuh-ney-doh, -nah-doh]
IPA: /ˌbæs təˈneɪ doʊ, -ˈnɑ doʊ/

Bastinado is a 9 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 14 points.

You can make 486 anagrams from letters in bastinado (aabdinost).

Definitions for bastinado


  1. a mode of punishment consisting of blows with a stick on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks.
  2. a blow or a beating with a stick, cudgel, etc.
  3. a stick or cudgel.

verb (used with object)

  1. to beat with a stick, cane, etc., especially on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks.

Origin of bastinado

1570-80; earlier bastanado Spanish bastonada (bastón stick (see baton) + -ada -ade1)

Examples for bastinado

A dozen strokes of the bastinado had been awarded for the first offence.

He is a Sultan who need not order the bastinado, so long as he can order the sack.

I did not live to bastinado Krak; nor would I now had I the power.

The ordinary punishment for minor offences is the cangue and the bastinado.

The bastinado was inflicted on both sexes, as with the Jews.

He condemned some to a bastinado, which was inflicted in his presence.

I wish you to arrest them and give each one hundred stripes with the bastinado.

"Judge how much your bastinado can affect me," he said, with superb disdain.

It may be so; but education is universal in China, and so is the bastinado.

Get ye gone, or the bastinado and the bowstring shall be your portion.

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