Barbie is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 87 anagrams from letters in Barbie (abbeir).
Then there was Fleckie and Barbie—they would be the big towns!
Barbie had found a cue which it was not slow to make use of.
Women are frequently reminded, too, that Barbie would be dangerously underweight if she were a real human.
Barbie is an unrealistic, unhealthy, insulting representation of female appearance.
Howell, too, writes that, “Regardless of her problems, Barbie is such a classic.”
That laugh of hers became one of the well-known features of Barbie.
Mattel recently announced a huge decline in Barbie sales, resulting in $11.2 million lost.
"Well, I wish you'd say so to Barbie Wallace," her voice sharpened.
But with this he did such a trade as had never been known in Barbie.
Wilson later landed in hot water with some by pushing for the creation of the first Barbie for President doll.