You can make 1049 anagrams from letters in Baluchistan (aabchilnstu).
Several roads to India have been developed through Baluchistan, but they are all dominated from Kandahar.
They are identical in shape and colour with ancient Egyptian beads and other beads obtained from ancient cities in Baluchistan.
Persia and Afghanistan undoubtedly belong to the Palarctic region, and Baluchistan should probably go with these.
Since Baluchistan has been taken over they have given but little trouble.
"Well, tell us about Baluchistan, then," suggested Mr. Pottle.
For the last nine years, they have battled secular Baluch nationalists who would like to see an independent Baluchistan.
Indeed, more than 55,000 Pakistani troops are in Baluchistan waging a war of their own.
Before it was split between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, Baluchistan spread over an area slightly larger than California.
Rug-making is the only industry that connects Baluchistan with the rest of the world.
Numerically the Brahuis are the strongest race in Baluchistan.