Baltic is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 118 anagrams from letters in Baltic (abcilt).
That the Baltic free air and Riga's welcoming vibe could make her colleagues "too relaxed."
In the Baltic states, German records indicate that the Einsatzgruppen units killed 218,000 Jews by February 1, 1942.
The 'Nixa' along the Baltic coast was once, however, much feared by the fishermen.
Although it took 21 years after Peter ran away at the battle of Narva, Russia finally got a Baltic coastline.
The Russian Air Force also flew additional sorties over the Baltic Sea with tactical strike fighters on Oct. 29.
The bunker, so crucial during the final years of the Cold War in the Baltic, was only declassified in 2003.
"By his accent, he's a Baltic Russian," said Thorn very grimly in the darkness.
But at that time the police were too uniformly successful from the Mediterranean to the Baltic.
It is true that then Russia would probably have had no Baltic fleet.
The banner of the Prophet should wave from the Pyrenees to the Baltic!