Bakehouse is a 9 letter English word.
You can make 246 anagrams from letters in bakehouse (abeehkosu).
1250-1300; Middle English bak(e)hous; see bake, house
The bakehouse was deemed too far off, and the garden sufficient for exercise.
The chapel was leased and let out, and the House of God made a bakehouse.
At this period women were largely employed in the bakehouse.
Now he understood; he was in the oven of the bakehouse, with his hands bound.
In this calm and unruffled mood he reached the threshold of the bakehouse.
That is not a belfry: it is a chimney, the bakehouse chimney.
P This bakehouse appears to have been some where at the foot of Abrahams hill.
This would make them antedate July, 1759, which is not true of the bakehouse.
Then they erected in the bakehouse a brachial weighing-machine.
I had it—by a visit to the bakehouse of my own baker, if possible, during the hours of work.