Astarte is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 168 anagrams from letters in Astarte (aaerstt).
Was it the melancholy of Astarte the painter's art depicted?
Astarte is a pretty name, and I'll keep it—I think you love me, Maurice.
Rose had been drawn as Astarte inscribing her lover's name on the sand.
Upon his right was the fane to which Astarte led him on his visit of initiation.
Lough Rea, and its connection with the worship of Astarte, 204, 205.
Eva and Tancred had talked to him of gods; Astarte had shown them to him.
But, even apart from Astarte, this worship may be proven on other evidence.
Its priests and the priests of Astarte were the favourites of the court.
Was not the temple of Astarte full of her women-worshippers and of her eunuchs?
Astarte would like to know how to make a baby's woollen jacket.