Apelles is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 138 anagrams from letters in Apelles (aeellps).
Yet it has not that grace which gives so divine a charm to the works of Apelles himself.
Mary, the widow of Apelles, to the wife of Karnis, the singer.
The works of Apelles and Phidias are gone; the very Parthenon is going.
Apelles, the image of the life of man as painted in a table by, 436 n.
Apelles was one of those who had Oppressive conduct of Apelles to the Achaeans.
Seeing this, Apelles divided the second line, to every one's astonishment.
In Italy he was called "the antiquary and Apelles of our time."
Apelles, the greatest of Greek painters, floruit circa 332 b.c.
Hipponax the poet was an Ephesian, and the painters Parrhasius and Apelles.
Apelles was destined to bear away the palm from all his predecessors and successors.