Aparri is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 49 anagrams from letters in Aparri (aaiprr).
At Aparri the visitors were cordially welcomed by Colonel Tirona, and much fêted.
Aparri, on the Rio Grande, near its mouth, is the commercial port of Cagayan.
Accompanied by twenty-two heathens he goes to Aparri, where the alcalde-mayor bestows honors and titles upon them.
Of Aparri itself little can be said here: but, small as it is, it has nevertheless the bustle of all seaports in activity.
All hands then descended the river to the town of Abulúg, and proceeded overland to Aparri.
Coasting steamers with about twelve feet draught cross the bar of the Rio Grande and lie at Aparri.
They were well supplied with food and clothing, and comfortably lodged on their arrival at the Port of Aparri.
Aparri is an absolutely unfortified seaport, at which the Japanese could land an army overnight from the southern end of Formosa.
All the tobacco of the Valley reaches the world through Aparri; it is consequently a port of considerable importance.
It is sent down the river to Aparri, from whence it is shipped to Manila.