You can make 344 anagrams from letters in Anglomania (aaagilmnno).
An Americanism dating back to 1780-90; Anglo- + mania
I know your taste for the works of art gives you a little disposition to Anglomania.
Napoleon accused Hamburg of Anglomania, and by ruining her he thought to ruin England.
It was the day of Anglomania, and, as he says, "every Englishman was supposed to be a patriot and a philosopher."
He feared it would introduced English influence and Anglomania without their gaining any similar influence in England.
It is often forgotten that this time was not in France a period of Anglophobia, but of Anglomania.
If Anglomania was unknown to France in the seventeenth century, yet Frenchmen were found who appreciated England.
This Anglomania showed itself, not only in ceaseless political agitation, but also in an elaborate imitation of English manners.
The change has come about through the Anglomania which, within recent years, has attacked Parisian society.
I know your taste for the works of art gives you little disposition to Anglomania.
Our Anglomania, in fact , is grown considerable; prophetic of much.